Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Louise Runyon Performance Company is currently involved in a new, ambitious piece of choreography - "Survive & Rescue," a dance/poem - involving five dancers, combining movement with poetry, and dealing with the question, "How do we survive disaster?" 

To make this piece a reality, we need your help. It will cost money - for dancers, costumes, rehearsal space rental, video. Government grants, of which we've received many, are a thing of the past. In this new era, artists must rely on their audiences and supporters to fund their work.

Please contribute to our campaign through Kickstarter, an online company that helps raise funds for creative projects. Our goal on Kickstarter is $700. If enough people contribute and $700 or more is raised, we receive this amount for the project. If people do not contribute a total of $700, we don't get anything!  This is an incentive program...  The Kickstarter campaign ends April 26 at 10 p.m. -- all contributions must be made by then.  To contribute, go to

 We actually need $2,000 to fund the creation of this new work.  We hope the Kickstarter campaign will be successful, so we're only setting a goal of $700, hoping to raise more! For all donors of $25 or more, you will receive your choice of one of Runyon's books of poetry as a gift, for you or a friend. These books are described on this website -- just click on Poetry on the list to the left.

To donate to "Survive & Rescue" through Kickstarter before April 26 at 10 p.m., go to

The piece seeks to answer the question ~ how do we survive disaster, natural or personal? The media make it evident that natural disasters are increasing exponentially. What happens when our world is turned upside down? The piece opens with a duet for a man and a woman that gets interrupted, inexplicably stopped. A chorus-like trio of women - graces, goddesses, ghosts - bring the man and woman out of shock by reaching out through human touch. The duo comes back full cycle to reach out and form a community with the trio. The piece utilizes riveting viola and cello music as well as spoken sections of Runyon's poem, "Survive & Rescue:"

Please contribute to "Survive & Rescue" by acting as our own financial chorus of "graces, goddesses, ghosts." We will perform the work the last two weekends of May in Decatur, Georgia -- details coming soon!  To contribute, go to:  Thank you so much for your support!

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