Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Poetry Reading September 21

Louise will be reading from her new book, The Passion of Older Women, at City Lights Bookstore in her new hometown of Sylva, North Carolina on September 21.

Poetry Reading / Book Signing
Saturday, September 21, 3 p.m.
City Lights Bookstore
3 E. Jackson Street, Sylva, NC 28779

This book is a manifesto on the wisdom, strength, needs and desires of older women – the rising demographic in our country.  It is also a testament to women of the previous generation, “who have brought us safe this far.”  The poems are inspired by working the earth in Decatur, Georgia; a love of the Southern Appalachians; the current political situation; the experience of writing in Italian; and the status of older women in relationship to men.  Included also are two short prose pieces – a life story in fable format and a summary of Runyon’s work as a dancer/choreographer.  The book affirms that older women will not go gently into this goodnight, the last phase of our lives.  Louise Morgan Runyon is a dancer/choreographer, political activist, urban farmer, student of Italian, and former steelworker as well as poet.
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