Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Poetry Reading August 5

Come hear Louise on Sunday night, August 5, for a poetry reading at Java Monkey Coffee in Decatur!  She will be the featured poet at the always lively, often irreverent, sometimes raucous Java Monkey Speaks, a popular long-standing open mic in Decatur.  Come at 8 p.m. to enjoy the open mic poets; Louise will read at 9 or 9:15.
Poetry Reading / Book Signing
Sunday, August 5 -- Louise will read at 9 or 9:15 p.m.
Open Mic 8 to 11 p.m. (sign up at 7:30)
Java Monkey Speaks, 425 Church St., Decatur 30030
~ Free parking on the street ~

You should be able to buy books by credit card as well as cash or check.  Great gifts for the older women -- and others -- in your life!  If you cannot attend but would like to order a book, please scroll down for how to order.
BOOK CLUB OFFER!  Louise is offering Free Readings to Intown Book Clubs -- please email her at louiserunyon@aol.com if you're interested. 
To order by credit card or PayPal / Great Gifts!

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